PHA 6933 Individualized Pharmacotherapy I


The course will prepare the student to utilize a comprehensive medication therapy management (CMM) and precision medicine approach in patients with chronic health conditions that range from common to complex focusing on select cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, mental health, and gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Credit(s): 3
  • Course Format: Asynchronous
  • Required: This is an elective course.
  • Prerequisites:
    • (GMS 6224) Foundations in Precision Medicine: Medical Molecular Genetics
    • (PHA 6134) Foundations in Precision Medicine: Genomic Technologies
    • (PHC 6598) Foundations in Precision Medicine: Genetic Epidemiology

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Describe and analyze goals of therapy, treatment options, and monitoring parameters for the specified disease states using an individualized medicine approach.
  • Recognize and resolve gaps in therapy using evidence-based guidelines for the specified disease states.
  • Develop and communicate specific, cost-effective solutions for a problem/case that incorporates precision medicine data, available genomic technologies, and patient-specific information for the specified disease states.

Note: If students take PHA 6630 Foundations of Medication Management: Pharmacotherapy they do not need to take PHA 6633 Individualized Pharmacotherapy I or PHA 6634 Foundations of Medications Management: Individualized Pharmacotherapy II. If students took PHA 6633 and PHA 6634 they do not need to take PHA 6630.