This course will provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate synthesis of foundational and concentration competencies through researching and writing a thesis paper that addresses a research or practice need in precision medicine.
- Tuition: $1,950.00 plus fees
- Credit(s): 3
- Course Format: Asynchronous
- Required: This is an elective course.
- Prerequisites:
- (GMS 6224) Foundations in Precision Medicine: Medical Molecular Genetics
- (PHA 6134) Foundations in Precision Medicine: Genomic Technologies
- (PHC 6598) Foundations in Precision Medicine: Genetic Epidemiology
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Formulate key questions for a paper.
- Organize a literature search; identify which literature bases to search.
- Abstract relevant information from appropriate studies in a systematic manner.
- Evaluate the scientific quality of each study and the level of evidence for each question.
- Create evidence tables and summary tables.
- Summarize the studies’ findings.
- Interpret the pattern of evidence in terms of strength and consistency.
- Apply the evidence to answer a specific clinical, research, or practice question in precision medicine.